Concerned about someone?

Where to get support

Life Matters Suicide Prevention Trust | Te Whare Oranga Ngākau is located at the Hope Centre | Te Whare Tūmanako, 63 Hanover Street, in Dunedin. The Hope Centre is a safe place for those in crisis.

We are open:
9am - 5.30pm Tuesday  
9am - 9pm Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
1pm - 9pm Saturday and Sunday

Phone: 027 240 0114

In an emergency or if you feel you or someone you know is at risk, dial 111.

If someone has attempted suicide, or you’re worried about their immediate safety, please act quickly:

Call your local mental health crisis assessment team or go with the person to the emergency department (ED) at your nearest hospital.

Try to stay calm and let them know you care.

Keep them talking and make sure you are safe.

Do not leave them alone.

Stay with them until other support arrives.

Remove any obvious means of suicide they might use.

Accessing Free Treatment

There are a number of different ways to access free treatment for mental distress locally in the Southern District. For elsewhere in the country, it may be best to ask your GP for contacts for your local services.

There are a number of different ways you might be able to access FREE treatment for mental health or mental distress issues:

If your GP is part of the ProCare PHO, you may be eligible for funded GP mental health care and access to 4-6 sessions of psychological intervention (and in some instances funded psychiatric review if indicated).

If you use WINZ, you may be eligible for 10 free counselling sessions! Talk to your case manager.

If you are in paid employment, you may be able to access free counselling through your company’s Employee Assistance Programme. For more info visit or talk to your employer.

If you have experienced sexual abuse or assault, you may be eligible for ACC support to pay for therapy with a registered therapist. To find out more visit or speak to your GP about making a sensitive claim.

Wait times for these services can be long at times. Do not let this discourage you. Come in to the Hope Centre in Dunedin, New Zealand and have a chat to our Peer Support team. We can support you while you wait for further mental health support.